Thursday, July 7, 2011

What should I make for dinner tonight?

Every night, I feel like I struggle with that question. What do I FEEL like eating? Will everyone else LIKE it too?

In the beginning of my pregnancy, I could not stand to look at raw meat. I almost threw up a few times in the meat section at the grocery store. Cooking dinner was a joy as I gagged, wore gloves, and then couldn't even eat what I made (but lovingly served to my family, sans vomit sounds) I have always felt that way about seeing chicken raw, but it passed over into all things meat at the beginning of my pregnancy.

Trying to save money at the grocery store, I began creating lists before I went shopping after finding recipes on the internet. I ended up spending $50 MORE just buying all the crap I needed to make dinner. So now I'm back to buying the basics when I head to the store, and trying to come up with things to make with them by googling "What can I make with chicken thighs" and finding out everything GOOD I want to make, I don't have the right ingredients for. There has got to be a better way!!

I still don't know what I'm having for dinner tonight but feel a little better venting about it :-) I do have a pork loin the fridge that I will probably just throw in the oven as it's just my husband and I until next Wednesday when my Aidan comes home from a long trip with Grammies and Pops to Yosemite, Monterey Beach, and Wyoming. I've missed him like crazy!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

First post

Trying to stay off of Facebook and foray into the world of blogging, so here I am. Mom of one son, Aidan, a stepson, John, and a baby girl on the way in August of 2011 (ok, hopefully July, because I am pretty much at the "I can't take being pregnant much longer" stage.

Posting the after the Casey Anthony trial, which I followed from the beginning, along with another out of Florida just a few years before, Melinda and Trenton Duckett. I was honestly shocked that they found her not guilty of ANY of the major charges, but not surprised. This trial was held in the court of public opinion far sooner than it was ever held in any legal court system. I remember being amazed at the throngs of people stationed outside the Anthony home when this first happened, often late into the night with their young children, hurling insults, threats, and sometimes rocks at the family's home. I can remembering thinking that clearly this isn't going to bring justice for Caylee, or any goodness into the hearts or homes of the children whose parents were standing there as such.

Now I feel the same. The Anthonys are being threatened and mounted police surround their home. Like it or not, Casey will be out of jail, probably tomorrow, because our legal system worked. Our justice system is based on evidence and facts, not Nancy Grace. And there just were not enough evidence and facts to find her guilty. Whatever I may think of Casey Anthony and whether or not she had something to do with Caylee's death (and I do) a jury has found her not guilty. The American legal system worked the way it was supposed to. To the parents standing outside the Anthony home once again, hurling insults, screaming, cursing, etc. go home. Go home and love your babies, because this is certainly not how you do it. Waving to the tv camera at 1 AM with your sleepy toddlers next to you disgraces not only yourself and your children, but Caylee's memory. This baby girl has been gone for over three years, let her finally rest in peace.